Appu & the Gummy Bear

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1 Comment

  • Jay 11 years ago

    It’s amaaaaazing. And not that exvesnipe really I think ours was $25. At some farms that even includes stuff like hay rides around the fields, and the taffy shack they pour hot maple syrup onto the snow and it immediately turns into taffy, and you scoop it up with wooden popsicle sticks. I could only eat one, it was too sugary even for ME. And that’s saying something. *g*Yeah, you can definitely taste the difference between fresh syrup and the bottled stuff that’s been sitting on a shelf for months. It’s also fun to drink the sap when it comes out of the trees it’s basically sweet water with a very slight maple taste, really refreshing. The maple taste gets concentrated once you boil the sap into syrup. We tried making our own once when we were kids, it was a lot of fun.